Wiki Multiple E/M Visits


Adel, IA
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I have a question regarding multiple E/M visits post/op of surgery. It looks like I have a surgery that was performed by physician X (which I don't have) then physician Y sees the patient- looks to be a full inpatient consultation, then physician Z sees the patient the next day and also does a full inpatient consultation. Can I code these inpatient consultants by physician Y and Z- different days after her surgery that was done by physician x? Or are their consultants considered global? It looks like the surgeon requested the post-op medical care...

All three doctors work together under the same tax id- but not for the hospital. From what I can tell, after putting all the consults together, it looks like a thyroidectomy was performed initially...

I noticed, too, when going through other charts, they do this with trach tube placements- which-for those- can I code the E/M level for each visit? Looks like 4 days apart from the first trach tube change- and looks like there's a total of six tube changes in a month-inpatient status...