Wiki multiple chronic illnesses


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I am new to coding and would greatly appreciate some help. At the family practice clinic where I work, many of the adult patients have multiple chronic illnesses. Often when they come in for a follow up office visit, the physician addresses eight to ten ICD-9 diagnoses. The billing department, however, can only link up to 4 diagnoses to each CPT code. So when the patient is seen for a 99214 visit, for example, and that is the only CPT code billed, is it necessary to report all of the ICD-9 codes that the doctor evaluated? Or should the doctor just choose the four most important diagnoses that he/she evaluated?
Thanks very much.
You may need to have your doc educated/reeducated on that issue..I've found that most aren't far as "choosing", that needs to be up to the provider as to which he/she thinks are at the top of the discussion, so to speak..:)
Hi, there I have a physician that also listed several dx's but I only select the dx's that best describe the reason for the visit and the dx's that he treated on that visit I only pick 4, I also review the medication he refills or prescribed and for what conditions is given. Hope this may help.