Wiki MU for Derm-Do we report Vitals?

Dallas, TX
Best answers
For reporting Meaningful Use for a dermatology practice is it necessary to report vital signs and height and weight? Or, are dermatologists excluded from reporting this?
If so, do we need to replace with another measure and what measure are you using in place of this.

Thank you,

Dermatologists can be excluded (but you have to state in your attestation that you are claiming the exclusion; you are not just automatically excluded by virtue of your specialty).

You do NOT have to replace this with another measure.

But note: You must keep a log of any patients you took a height, weight, or BP on (for example, if you take a patient's blood pressure because she feels faint after a procedure, or a patient asks you to do her a favor and check her weight). Note the reason you took the vital on this patient and the justification for why such vitals generally remain irrelevant to the scope of your practice. Keep this log in your MU binder.