Wiki MRI's

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I'm trying to get a straight answer on this.... So before an MRI, I'm automatically using the code for pain since they don't know what the DX is. But I've been told by MA's to use internal derangement after an MRI because MRI's aren't 100% accurate and things could change when they go into surgery and actually can see what's going on. They think internal derangement is a good code to use because it's specific enough to say there's something wrong, but not coding the patient with a specific tear of their meniscus for example. They say that the codes that are used for the office visits shouldn't clash with what's used in surgery. But if the MRI says a bucket handle tear of the right medial meniscus and then they get surgery and it ends up being a different tear, could coding it as a bucket handle tear in the office and then coding is as a different tear in surgery cause problems?

I just want to know if I'm supposed to be coding for the tear before surgery or not since it's not 100% accurate and the DX could change when they have surgery... or derangement...

Thank you all