Wiki Morbid Obesity Unspecified


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If the Dr documents morbid obesity but does not specify due to excess calories can we code E66.01? I am telling him it actually has to be specified or I would have to use E66.9, but I want to verify.

Michelle Bess,CPC
Several codes are used to identify overweight and obesity, including the following:

E66.01 Morbid (severe) obesity due to excess calories
E66.09 Other obesity due to excess calories
E66.1 Drug-induced obesity
E66.2 Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
E66.3 Overweight
E66.8 Other obesity
E66.9 Obesity, unspecified

These codes are assigned only on the basis of the physician?s diagnostic statement. Category E66, Overweight and obesity, requires that an additional code (Z68.-) for the body mass index (BMI) be assigned, if known. BMI is a tool for indicating weight status in adults. It is a measure of weight for height. The BMI code assignment should be based on medical record documentation, which may be found in the notes of other clinicians involved in the care of the patient (i.e., physician or other qualified health care practitioner legally accountable for establishing the patient?s diagnosis). BMI is typically documented by the dietitian or the nurse. Coding BMI is an exception to the guideline that requires that code assignment be based on the documentation by the provider. While BMI may be reported on the basis of another clinician?s documentation, the codes for the associated diagnosis (such as overweight and obesity) should be based on the provider?s documentation.
Thanks for the response. I read the guidelines, I just wanted back up that the documentation for E66.01 had to actually state due to excess calories in the documentation and not just say morbid obesity.
I use morbid obesity a lot during the day, and one thing I noticed is when you look in the index under obesity, morbid it directs you to E66.01 which is the same as morbid obesity due to excess calories