Each individual E/M service needs to be coded based on the documentation provided. The simple reason that it is "Mohs" does not automatically make it anything.
The reason my docs no longer code and we use a certified coder is because their rationale was "every patient is level 5 - I'm a cancer surgeon."
You need 2 of 3 elements of MDM to code a particular level. Problem, data and risk.
All that being said, below is my GENERAL overview. Notice the use of "likely" everywhere which means you still need to evaluate each note to determine the level.
Regarding problem - if there was already a biopsy that came back not great, you are likely at moderate (level 4) for problem.
Data - likely minimal or none. Unless your Mohs surgeons are credentialed differently than your dermatologists, you cannot count data for another physician of the same specialty in the same group to review the findings again. Even if you can count the pathology review, that is still likely only 1 data point. Likely minimal or none (level 2) for data.
Risk - likely moderate. If they are discussing the risks of an incisional biopsy and types of repair, I would count that as moderate (level 4 risk). If they are discussing a major surgery and risks, then risk would be high (level 5).
So, LIKELY often 99214. But certainly not always. Coding depends on the documentation.
Let me just get on my soapbox and address one other item. You use the word "consult" many times in your question. Consult in the context of medical coding is very different than what most clinicians call a consult. Since this is a medical coding forum, I would advise to not use the word "consult" unless that is what you actually mean. The misunderstanding, overuse, and abuse of consult E/M codes is why they are basically done away with. I doubt the 3Rs (request, render & reply) apply to these visits. Clinicians use the word consult as a general term simply meaning another physician asked them to see the patient. Not to mention, IF the visit is actually a "consult" by coding definition, you must level not just by MDM, but by history, exam and MDM with 1995/1997 guidelines (for now).