Wiki mohs by 1 dr, sk removal diff dr,same day, same practice


Local Chapter Officer
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How should I code the following:

Pt came in the morning for a scheduled Moh's surgery with our Dr in the Moh's clinic. The same day the pt had an appointment with a different Dr in our general clinic and after the E/M the dr decided to remove some AKs.:eek:

Both were scheduled appointments. The Moh's dr handles Moh's procedures and doesn't work in the general the clinic.

How should this be coded ???? thank you!
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you should bill the MOHS under the dr's npi number that did it, And bill the other stuff under the other dr's npi number. Even if you have a group NPI there should still be a way to bill under the group and individual NPI. We have one DR and a bunch of NP and we will same day surgery and closures under there own NPI numbers hope this helps. LANDERSON