Wiki Mohs AUC Score


Bradenton, FL
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Ok….So I am very aware of what the AUC score is and how it is utilized in the Mohs/Dermatology world. My only concern/question is, why there are only a few Providers who actually "implement" this guideline when recommending Mohs as treatment plan (such as my 8 Providers)?? It is NOT recognized from a billing standpoint and holds NO leverage on appeals, chart reviews, audits or medically necessary documentation for Insurance payments. But yet, few Providers refuse to do Mohs on "yellow and red zones" and almost the rest of my County Mohs Providers will perform Mohs for any size, any location and any biopsy proven diagnosis (even In Situ cases that are superficial) without hesitation. Just wanted to get some thoughts from anyone willing to share. Thanks in advance!!

**I am also in Florida, if location matters :)