Wiki Modifiers

Anita Morris

Local Chapter Officer
Culpeper, VA
Best answers
Can anyone help? My question is who should be the expert on the application of modifiers to cpt codes (billing, coders, the staff of the department generating the revenue, or other)??
Any help or guidance that you can give is greatly appreciated!!!

Anita Morris
CDM Coordinator
Culpeper Regional Hospital
Culpeper, Virginia
in our office - the coders code the procedures and dx's - append the correct modifiers - and send the superbill on it's way - sometimes the providers attach some on when they think something is needed (.25 - or .59 depending), coders will verify usage - our billers are familiar enough with codes and modifiers that if they think something "needs" a modifier, or has one that doesn't look right - they'll call (coders) to inquire.