Wiki Modifiers multiple EGD's and Colonoscopies HELP PLEASE!!


Wichita, Kansas
Best answers
An EGD with biopsy, and then EGD with dilation was performed, then a colonoscopy with biopsy was performed and colonoscopy with dilation was also performed.

Would modifier 59 be placed on the 2nd EGD procedure, then modifier 59 be placed on the 2nd colonoscopy procedure or modifier 51?

Or any?

These are same day surgeries and all performed on same day, same time.

Please please help. Thank you
According to the CCI edits for bundling and unbundling you do not need a modifier on any of them.


It depends on the payor. UHC is always telling us when there are multiple procedures in the same anatomical part (ie colon) they want the 59 no matter what. Doesn't matter if it's a biopsy and injection or a snare and a dilation.

As for the 51 modifier-most payors don't use it anymore that I've seen.