Wiki Modifiers for 17000 and 17003


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What modifier would I use with 17000 and 17003? Would I use 51 or 59? Keep getting rejections!
hi again, you need to be more specific. How are you billing? What is the diagnosis? What is the denial reason? General questions can only warrant a general response. You'll get a better response if you supply more details.
17000 is the primary destruction code for the first lesion. 17003 is the add-on code for each additional lesion. List separately for each additional lesion up to 14 lesions. Modifier is not appropriate with add-on codes.

If these are the only codes used it would look like this:
17000 (w/medically necessary dx)
17003 (w/ medically necessary dx)

There must be medical necessity for these procedures otherwise it is considered cosmetic.