Wiki Modifiers -79 & -59


Middletown, CT
Best answers
Can modifiers -79 and -59 be billed together on the same code? I want to use the -79 to unbundle the global to a previous surgery and the -59 to unbundle the two procedures performed for the second surgery.
Ex: 67108- LT,58
Thanks for your help.
Can modifiers -79 and -59 be billed together on the same code? I want to use the -79 to unbundle the global to a previous surgery and the -59 to unbundle the two procedures performed for the second surgery.
Ex: 67108- LT,58
Thanks for your help.

A couple of questions...

What was the procedure billed previously that created the global period?

And, regarding billing 66850 with 67108, I'm having a difficult time understanding how they would be separate and distinct procedures if they're done on the same eye. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just confused because the description for 67108 includes the service that is described in 66850.
Thanks for your reply. The previous surgery that created the global was 67108. My thoughts exactly on unbundling 66850 and 67108 but it was brought to my attention that the decision was made to perform a lensectomy once the surgery was started so it would be appropriate to use a modifier. ?? Modifier -51 was suggested but that didn't seem correct. I was also advised to bill 67108LT,58 and 66850LT,79 to unbundle the global and the two procedures.
Thanks for your reply. The previous surgery that created the global was 67108. My thoughts exactly on unbundling 66850 and 67108 but it was brought to my attention that the decision was made to perform a lensectomy once the surgery was started so it would be appropriate to use a modifier. ?? Modifier -51 was suggested but that didn't seem correct. I was also advised to bill 67108LT,58 and 66850LT,79 to unbundle the global and the two procedures.

You are being given incorrect information. You code for what was actually done. If it becomes more extensive than planned and there is a more extensive code, you report the more extensive code. The diallowance of these codes in the same eye are discussed in the NCCI Manual


Section D.10

The CPT code descriptors for CPT code 67108 (repair of retinal detachment...) and 67113 (repair of complex retinal detachment...) include removal of lens if performed. CPT codes for removal of lens or cataract extraction (e.g., 66830-66984) should not be reported separately.
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Just to be clear - this is for the other eye, not the same one as before, correct? I assume as much, but just wanted to make sure nothing was missed.