Wiki Modifiers 76/77


Maineville, OH
Best answers
I work for a radiology group that is hospital based, as such we often have repeat procedures on inpatients during a given day, often ready by different physicians.

If a patient has four single view chest x-rays on a single date of service, two read by doctor X, each of the other two read by different doctors (dr Y and dr Z) would it be appropriate to put both 76 and 77 on the second exam read by doctor X? It seems to me that you should only need one or the other and both would incorrect, but we are having a lot of difficulty getting these paid.
The way that I code it would be for instance 71010-26,71010-26,76 for Physician X and then 71010-26,77 for Physician Y and 71010-26,77 for Physician Z. You may run into problems if all 4 reads are with the same diag code as some insurances will only pay so many in 1 day regardless of the modifiers.

Hope this helps