Wiki Modifier XU vs 59


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Hi all,

Does anyone here have any experience with modifier XU?

One of our providers wants to bill the following:

G0439 Annual Wellness
99202 +25 E&M
G0444 Annual Depression Screening
G0446 Intensive Behavior Therapy Cardio
G0442 Annual Alcohol Screening

We are concerned with using modifier 59 on the last 3 codes. Would XU be one the to use in this situation?

Any insight would be appreciated!
looking at the definition of each modifier and checking CCI edits the XU modifier description seems to fit this situation better than 59.
modifier XU

Hi all,

Does anyone here have any experience with modifier XU?

One of our providers wants to bill the following:

G0439 Annual Wellness
99202 +25 E&M
G0444 Annual Depression Screening
G0446 Intensive Behavior Therapy Cardio
G0442 Annual Alcohol Screening

We are concerned with using modifier 59 on the last 3 codes. Would XU be one the to use in this situation?

Any insight would be appreciated!

Hi. Any X modifiers are inappropriate to append to E/M codes, including the G0442-0446 codes as you listed. 24 is incorrect unless it is during a global period and not related. To unbundle as you described I would use modifier 25 on the G codes.


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Do not use XU

Any X modifiers are inappropriate with E/M or the G codes you gave as examples. Modifier 25 on the G codes you gave as examples would unbundle them.
Thank you.