Wiki Modifier question

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Good Afternoon,

I am running into an issue while billing a specific claim. Patient was seen in my office, has Medicare and had a biopsy with General Anesthesia with 2 doctors present. I am in an Oral and Maxillofacial practice so we use the universal D codes for anesthesia on a regular basis. I do know that Medicare will not accept the D codes for the anesthesia, we will apply the medical code, 00170. I need to add a modifier and I am unsure of which modifier to use concerning billing for 2 surgeons who are anesthesia certified being present & doing both surgery and anesthesia. Any suggestions

Thanks in advance
You'll need a concurrency modifier: AA/QK/QY or QZ

Ex: 00170-AA

Depending on the payer, you may also need a P-status modifier P1 through P6.

Ex: 00170-AA-P2

Time, in minutes, may need to be reported on the claim as well, along with start/stop time.

See if this helps.

Leslie Johnson, CPC