Wiki Modifier PO versus PN


Tustin, CA
Best answers
:confused: Can I get a clarification on a simple way to use modifier PO versus PN? I know that it's for services provided at off-campus provider based outpatient departments, and the criteria specific to that. And that it is used on technical claims.

Also, is there detailed clarification on what's considered excepted versus non-excepted items/services, is there a list I can reference? Any response would help.
Thanks in advance.
PO vs PN

It has to do with the date in which these clinics were given the off campus status. PO is for the clinics off site that were assigned this classification prior to 1/1/2017 ( I believe this is the correct date ). After that, the clinics that hadn't yet been assigned this off site/campus status get the PN mod. Our software adds it automatically(which is good and bad since it sometimes gets added to non Medicare claims). As far as I know, it needs to be added to any procedure provided at those clinics, any E/M, injections, vaccine admins, etc.
I don't know of a list but I would imagine it is on the CMS site somewhere. Sorry, there is never really an easy answer with Medicare.
PO vs PN

Thank you for your response, this helps clarify the differences a lot better for me. I appreciate it!