Wiki Modifier order placement

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our Medicaid payers have us chasing our tails... we are a psych group billing telehealth and we are billing a U1 modifier to show what license level rendered the care, a 59 to show that it is a separately identifiable service, and a 95 to show that this is telehealth (along with the POS 2). We are being told by the Medicaid payer we are not using the modifier properly. Not sure which one. I know for a fact that all three are appropriate, but I think it has to do with the order of these. I can find some general weblinks that provide some info but they vary in the answer. Unfortunately, I do not have a coding book at my fingertips either. Is there anything you know of that you can point me to so that we know exactly what we are doing wrong?
our Medicaid payers have us chasing our tails... we are a psych group billing telehealth and we are billing a U1 modifier to show what license level rendered the care, a 59 to show that it is a separately identifiable service, and a 95 to show that this is telehealth (along with the POS 2). We are being told by the Medicaid payer we are not using the modifier properly. Not sure which one. I know for a fact that all three are appropriate, but I think it has to do with the order of these. I can find some general weblinks that provide some info but they vary in the answer. Unfortunately, I do not have a coding book at my fingertips either. Is there anything you know of that you can point me to so that we know exactly what we are doing wrong?
Where area are you located? When I looked up 95 modifier, it said it was not recognized by Medicaid.