Wiki Modifier on E&M code for return to OR


The Villages , FL
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Patient has a knee replacement. 30 days later is admmited to the hospital for Knee wound dehiscence and edema code 99221 is coded ( Medicare patient ) Same group of physciains now the patient need a 10140. What modifier is used and on what code the E&M or Surgery code
As per my knowledge.
The procedure which is performed if it is in global day period then the precent billing procedure should have modifier 79, and if that is not in global day period and if an EM is performed along with 10140 then the Em code should have mod 25 and the procedure 10140.

Place of service determines the EM category code.

IF you mean to say that OR is ED then the EM code should be from 99281 - 99285.
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The patient is admitted due to the complications and yes it is in the global period

Then the document should support medical need as it is complicated and you can bill with mod 78 as it is a post operativeperiod and it should be the same physician who did knee replacement and also should do the 10140.