Wiki Modifier Needed w/ New Peripheral Codes??

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Ok, we have tweaked our cheat sheet of peripheral codes. The codes that changed are all three orders of the Iliac and these new codes are now "all in one" and then have an add on code for additional vessel. My question is, now that these codes have changed and have a code for additional vessels, do we use the -50 to state bilateral or do we code primary dx Ex: 37220, then additional 37222 and thats it? We use to modify these old codes to show RT, LT or both, do we need to do that with the new ones? Any help is appreciated!! Gail Davis, CPC
I believe the RT, LT and 50 modifiers are still appropriate. the description of 37220 is for "unilateral" so both sides would justify modifier 50. 37222 indicates "additional ipsilateral" (same side) so modifier 50 would be appropriate there too in my opinion.
Thank you! We are thinking that too, just with the add on code now instead of the same code used twice, we weren't sure if it would apply in this case. Thank you!