Wiki Modifier for 11750


Anaheim, CA
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pt is w/ Medical Mutual of OHIO (PPO), the modifier required for procedure 11750. Anyone know which Modifier I can use?? Thx
I found this from Medicare for coverage of this procedure; it is old and I am not sure if it is still applicable:

The presumption of coverage may be applied when the physician rendering the routine foot care has identified:
1. A Class A finding (Modifier Q7)
2. Two of the Class B findings (Modifier Q8); or
3. One Class B and two Class C findings (Modifier Q9).
In the absence of a systemic condition, Medicare covers debridement of the nail when the following criteria are met:
In the case of ambulatory patients there exists:
● Clinical evidence of mycosis of the toenail, (110.1) and
● Marked limitation of ambulation (719.7 or 781.2), or pain (729.5 or 703.0), and/or secondary infection (681.10 or 681.11) resulting from the thickening and dystrophy of the infected toenail plate.