Wiki modifier & anatomical site


Rochester, New Hampshire
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I have not typically had to bill out services this way. I have billed a 99214 with a 25 modifier as primary, then I billed a 20610 with a 59 as well as 20550 with a 59 modifier. I am not sure as to whether the anatomical modifier which in this case would LT, goes before the 59 for both or the 59 first and then the LT as the second modifier position for both. Thanks for any help/clarification with this.
Hello newfiegirl,

I see all of those CCI edits for your codes.... I would code modifier 59 (or if applicable modifier XS) first as it is more of a payment modifier and than the anatomical modifier LT. If you use LT first it might cause a denial within the insurances system if it doesn't catch mod 59 as secondary.

Hope this helps~