Wiki Modifier 78 vs 79

Woodstock, GA
Best answers
Patient originally had a below the knee amputation. The patient had a return to the OR for a re-amputation of the same leg, the patient's condition continues to deteriorate and now returns for the above the knee amputation. Since its an unplanned return to the OR due to a complication would I bill with a 78 modifier or 79 for an unplanned procedure.

Thanks in advance.
I would use modifier 78 - Unplanned return to the OR by the same physician or another qualified health care professional following initial procedure for a related procedure during the postoperative period.

79 would be used if the procedure being done was not related to the procedure for which there is a global period.

Hope that helps!
Patient originally had a below the knee amputation. The patient had a return to the OR for a re-amputation of the same leg, the patient's condition continues to deteriorate and now returns for the above the knee amputation. Since its an unplanned return to the OR due to a complication would I bill with a 78 modifier or 79 for an unplanned procedure.

Thanks in advance.

I'm in agreement with Jodi. -78 modifier :)