Wiki Modifier 78 or 79? Lt Quad Repair during global of Lt TKR


Sanford, ME
Best answers
Hi, I am hoping someone could clarify what modifier I should use during the global period of a Lt TKR for pain relief and also Lateral Release for the chronically dislocating patella. Pt has Multiple Sclerosis with a chronically dislocating patella during the post op since he has had a number of falls and now presents with quad rupture. Thanks in advance.
Your notes indicate the patient had multiple falls and MS...was the rupture a result of these?
If the Quad Rupture is unrelated to the Knee Replacement with an independent diagnosis (MS / Falls resulting in traumatic rupture) I would use -79.

If the Quad Rupture is a complication of the Knee Replacement I would use -78: you will have to use a complication code for your diagnosis.