Wiki Modifier 62-two surgeons


Glens Falls, NY
Best answers
We recently got a new Cardiologist/EP Specialist to our group.

He performed a handful of EP Ablations with one of our EP specialists. I contacted both doctors who are stating that they did perform the procedure together. I want to bill with modifier 62 however I am not 100% sure I am doing it correctly:

Sample coding:
93653-62 Dr. #1
93653-62 Dr. #2 (Ablation)
93623-62 Dr. #1
93623-62 Dr. #2 (Drug Tesing)
93613-62 Dr. #1
93613-62 Dr. #2 (Mapping)

Please Help!
I just checked the Medicare Physican Fee Schedule and all of those codes have an indicator of 0 for co-surgeon meaning that you cannot bill them with a modifier 62.

I think with this kind of situation you just have to bill under the primary physician.
We recently got a new Cardiologist/EP Specialist to our group.

He performed a handful of EP Ablations with one of our EP specialists. I contacted both doctors who are stating that they did perform the procedure together. I want to bill with modifier 62 however I am not 100% sure I am doing it correctly:

Sample coding:
93653-62 Dr. #1
93653-62 Dr. #2 (Ablation)
93623-62 Dr. #1
93623-62 Dr. #2 (Drug Tesing)
93613-62 Dr. #1
93613-62 Dr. #2 (Mapping)

Please Help!

You can bill with the 80 modifier for the Ablation code. Usually when two Dr do ablation together I only bill the 80 modifier on the main procedure. The rest mapping, drug only for the primary. So if this was my Drs I would bill

93653 Dr. #1
93653-80 Dr. #2 (Ablation)
93623 Dr. #1
93613 Dr. #1

HTH, Misty Sebert CPC, CCC
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