Wiki modifier 62- two surgeons


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How do I bill this? Our doctor performed a procedure and another doctor performed his procedure. Modifier 62 says to add to our procedure code, however it also states each surgeon should report the co-surgery once using the same procedure code.
So do I bill our code with 62 modifier and the other surgeons codes with modifier 62 as well?
Do our billings need to be the same? DX, codes, and modifiers in order to be paid? they did not assist each other.
Really stumped on this one, as I am having a hard time with the other doctors office getting their coding documents.

Thanks :(
How do I bill this? Our doctor performed a procedure and another doctor performed his procedure. Modifier 62 says to add to our procedure code, however it also states each surgeon should report the co-surgery once using the same procedure code.
So do I bill our code with 62 modifier and the other surgeons codes with modifier 62 as well?
Do our billings need to be the same? DX, codes, and modifiers in order to be paid? they did not assist each other.
Really stumped on this one, as I am having a hard time with the other doctors office getting their coding documents.

Thanks :(

Did the surgeons each perform part of a CPT code? If yes, they should bill the same code(s), and both should add modifier 62 to the codes and file claims under their own names. If not, each surgeon should code for the procedure he did perform. They don't have to match up, and no co-surgereon modifier is needed.