Wiki Modifier 62 - Neuro and Ortho


Chesapeake, VA
Best answers
Does anyone know if you can apply modifier 62 to 22842 when doing a scoliosis case with a co surgeon (Neuro and Ortho) and both are preforming the whole entire surgery.
CPT states modifier 62 is for "when 2 surgeons work together as primary surgeons performing distinct part(s) of a procedure, each surgeon should report his/her distinct operative work by adding modifier 62 to the procedure code..." For Medicare patients the MPFSDB clearly states Co Surgery Indicator - Skills of two surgeons (Surgeons must be of different specialties). Check this database to see if the CPT code billed will allow this modifier or you have to bill with modifier 80 and submit supporting documentation.
Need TWO operative notes

Also, EACH surgeon must dictate his/her own operative note, clealy stating that the OTHER surgeon was a co-surgeon.

Hope that helps

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC