Wiki modifier 59 - I've recently seen coding


San Antonio, TX
Best answers
Modifier 59 **

I've recently seen coding in Intraoperative Montioring claims on the Tech side utilizing MODIFIER 59 X2 SAME LINE ITEM??
Is this valid usage??
IOM Billing


I bill IONM. I bill globally but they always put a 26 Modifier on it and do not pay for the TC portion. I started billing with both 26 and TC modifiers but so far that has not worked.

I also read somewhere to bill the Technical with a 59 modifier...I have just sent out several claims with the 26 and 59 modifier on the same line item but too soon to know what the results are.

Can you tell me what you mean by 59 X 2 on same line item?

Thank nice to have a place to ask questions and get answers!
What code(s) are you billing and why are you wanting to use both the 26 and the TC. If this is intraoperative monitoring then the facility should be billing with the TC and the surgeon with the 26. But that is logic talking. Without a complete story it is not possible to help you.
intraoperative billing

What code(s) are you billing and why are you wanting to use both the 26 and the TC. If this is intraoperative monitoring then the facility should be billing with the TC and the surgeon with the 26. But that is logic talking. Without a complete story it is not possible to help you.

Do you know a lot about billing intraoperative neuromonitoring?