Wiki modifier 59 - correction to ?


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Correction to previously stated question:::

I have the following situation and want to know if I need a modifier 59 on the injection administration. THE DX CODE IS 883.0, OPEN WOUND FINGER::: 12002-F9...... 99202-25......90471-59??..... 90714.

So, we have a laceration repair, an office visit, and an injection. Do I need to put a modifier on the administration of the injection for a tetanus shot and if so, would 59 be correct? Also, the laceration repair is of the finger, so since the DX shows open wound to finger, wouldn't F9 be ok to add to the laceration code. thank you.
I don't believe F9 is necessary on 12002. You're covering the fact that the repair is on an extremity by the code itself and that's all you need.