Wiki Modifier 58 or 77


Mobridge, SD
Best answers
Patient came in on 8/19 with a previously drained right axillary abscess (10060 was performed on 8/15 by provider A). This lesion has almost completely healed.

Provider B performed a 10060 on the same abscess. The previous incision was re-opened and the two abscesses were connected by tunneling. It was packed with 1/4 inch Iodoform gauze. Patient will return in 2 days and as needed.

Both procedures were performed in the clinic, not a procedure room.

Our clinic is an RHC. We are questioning which modifier to use on the 8/19 charge. Modifier 58 is considered because it states "during the postop period". 77 is considered because it is a repeat procedure by another physician.

What would you choose? Or is there another that you feel would work better?
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