Wiki Modifier 58 & 78

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Hello all,
So I'm stuck on this one.... I have a patient that had a total knee done.... they came in to our office on their last day of their global period (I know i can't charge for an office visit)... they had to suture one of the knees because of delayed healing of the wound. The CPT code I've been using is 12020 and I've been using -58 when i see these, but now I'm second guessing. -58 I would use because it's related to the surgery... -78 I think would be even more appropriate except that it says return to the OR.... can you use -78 in the office? I keep looking around and some places make it look like -78 can only be used in the OR, like an actual facility.

So then on top of trying to figure out which modifier to use, now I'm also curious about whether the global period will extend or not?

HELP PLEASE!!!! :confused: