Wiki modifier 57


Hayden, ID
Best answers
Is it appropriate to add the 57 modifier if the physician states that he has spoken to the pt - explaining risk etc.. and if needed they will take him to surgery the next day OR can you only use this modifier if consent is signed and they do for sure take him to surgery?

Thank you,
Signing the consent form has nothing to do with -57. This is used on the E/M visit when the physician identifies the need for surgery and the E/M could be denied as part of the global package. From the way your question is asked, I'm afraid that your physician has already identified the need for surgery and is doing a pre-op visit the day before surgery and wants this paid even though its bundled into the procedure.
thank you , I do believe that you are correct that the subs visit w the 57 should have been part of the global and the initial visit should have the 57. I just was not sure what all had to be documented to support the 57