Wiki Modifier 57


Dayton, PA
Best answers

Can anyone explain to me how to use modifier 57?

If a patient comes into the office and a decision to do surgery is made and informed consent is signed but the surgery is not being done for another month.

Can I use modifier 57?

Everything I am reading says that you can only use Modifer 57 if the decision is made a day before the surgery. But I have been told I can use Modifier 57.

If I can not use Modifier 57 then what modifier would I use if any?

Any help clearing this up for me would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

Can anyone explain to me how to use modifier 57?

If a patient comes into the office and a decision to do surgery is made and informed consent is signed but the surgery is not being done for another month.

Can I use modifier 57?

Everything I am reading says that you can only use Modifer 57 if the decision is made a day before the surgery. But I have been told I can use Modifier 57.

If I can not use Modifier 57 then what modifier would I use if any?

Any help clearing this up for me would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

In this situation, when the surgery is planned weeks ahead of time, you should not need any modifier on the E/M service. I can't say for sure that you'll have problems with the claim if you do use it, but it is not needed if the E/M is 2 or more days prior to the surgery.
I wanted to thank you both for the information it is very much appreciated!

Again Thank You both and have an Amazing Day!
