Wiki modifier 51


Illiopolis, IL
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Hello, I bill for the technical portion (TC modifier) of radiology and am more familiar with the professional billing (26 modifier).
I have a state Medicaid that is denying for needing a 51 modifier.
If we bill 74177 and 71260 Medicare automatically uses their adjustment code of CO-59 to take an extra adjustment for 71260.
We had not had this problem until the September/October with this Medicaid and I wondered if it was something new? I had called them and was told that this is a known issue and it was sent to their known issues department. Someone else had called and was told to put a 51 on a CPT and submit it to be paid. Are we supposed to add 51 in the technical portion of radiology? I know it would be the lowest costing one in following the Medicare adjustment code of CO-59.