Wiki Modifier 50 - Is it appropriate to use the modifier


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Is it appropriate to use the modifier 50 on the facility side when combo coding? Ex. 30903.50 coded on pro-fee side. coded 30903.LT; 30903.RT on the facility side, and insurance denied for MUE line item edit.
Modifier 50 for Facility

Hi Andrschery,

I feel modifier 50 should better suite this scenario as same procedure is performed on both paired body parts.

Modifier LT and RT would be correct if a procedure is performed on one side of the body and is a paired organ or when the procedures performed are similar but not identical and are both performed on paired body parts.

Is it appropriate to use the modifier 50 on the facility side when combo coding? Ex. 30903.50 coded on pro-fee side. coded 30903.LT; 30903.RT on the facility side, and insurance denied for MUE line item edit.

Yes modifier 50 is acceptable to be used by the facility.