Wiki Modifier 22


Bacliss, Texas
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Modifier 22

exactly when can you add modifier 22. One of our physician's did a case on a patient and performed a selective coronary arteriogram, thoracic aortogram, and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty stent. The patient see's another physician at our practice but another physician had to perform the procedure. The patient was not his patient; therefore, he had to consult with the other doctor (the patient's doctor) for information regarding the patient. The doctor's work at the same practice. The case was a little more complex in a lot more time was spent in performing the case.
Can our doctor bill for modifier 22 and should the doctor mention in the op report that he had to consult with another doctor prior to performing the case or is this even considered? Who determines how long a case normally takes. Some cases are complex and you have to run the wire thru several times even numerous times and this could take a lot longer. Some cases are difficult in passing the wire, and example might be the patient already has a stent and metal is already there and now you are doing another stent trying to pass the existing one. Who determines the time for a procedure or is there anything out there stating this code should take this long normally.
If a patient has cardiac arrest during the procedure and the procedure took longer, you can use modifier 22 in justifying how much longer did the procedure take and why did the procedure take longer.

Can someone please help me in the use of modifier 22 and what should be documented in using this modifier. Is there anywhere to get time components for cpt codes?

Thank you very much!!!!!!
This is a tricky/sticky question. I'm not aware of any documentation that says "X" amount of time equals -22. I'll use -22 when Dr dictates that for whatever documented reason the procedure took a lot more time and why it was so difficult (obesity, anatomy, disease ...).

Consulting with the other physician does not warrant a -22 on a procedure. From your explanation of the Dr's relationship, it sounds like they are of the Same Practice and Same specialty which in essence makes them the same Dr. If Dr consulted with another DR, different practice or different specialty, that will be part of the E/M medical decision making component not the procedure.