Wiki Modifier 22


Omaha, NE
Best answers
I need to write a memo in regards to modifier 22 and how to correctly use it for reimbursement.

Any suggestions as to the wording of this memo, as I am trying to find some recent documents on this website, would be greatly appreciated. :)
Documentation is key

Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I always tell the doctors that if they think the procedure was "unusual" - e.g. more extensive, more difficult - they MUST state so and why in their operative report so that the coder knows to use the -22 modifier and can easily highlight that portion of the note when submitting to insurance carriers.

So, for example, if the surgeon had to spend 55 minutes on lysis of adhesions before being able to get to the bowel for the planned procedure, the dictation should clearly state that additional time and effort required.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC