Wiki Modifier 22 - I have two questions


North Andover, MA
Best answers
I have two questions I would like to ask.

1. Can you use the modifier 22 on the assist claim if the assist is a PA? I have read that the
work is only more difficult for the priamry provider not the assist.

2. Can you use the modifier 22 more than once on the same claim?
Example 29806/22 and 29807/22.

Any suggestion or advice will be apprciated.

Thank you,
Mod - 22 only applies to the surgeon.

Typically, mod-22 applies to the base code for that DOS - the one with the higher RVU's. But if the documentation supports billing on another code, additional code; it may or may not get paid but may be worth at least trying.

We ask our physicians to write a separate paragraph first detailing the time as a ratio statement. Normal total time and then the additional time it took for the difficulty. Then specify the details of why it took longer than normal.