Wiki modifier 22 - Have a question for all


Alvin, TX
Best answers
Have a question for all of thergery coders who use/used modifier 22.

How often do your physicians ask for it, how often do you use it and what do you look for in the report when submitting this modifier?

I am beginning to think that we do not have the proper dictation for it. For instance, the physician will state that he spent 90 minutes on lysis of adhesions before he starts the main procedure, or that the lysis of adhesions were extremely tedious and time consuming or that the BMI was > 40. All of these seem like very good reasons, but that is all they are dictating, nothing much more.

I would just like to hear about your experiences using this modifier and if you had success or failure. What your physicians did to get that extra $$ and so forth.

Thank you!