Wiki Modifier 22 for rupturing the repair while applying splint?


Cincinnati, OH
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The op report states the procedure as "advancement repair of the long finger extensor hand tendon dorsum of the right hand." After describing the repair and closing the skin with sutures, it says they applied a sterile, bulky dressing and a plaster splint. Then it says "I was adding an extension splint over the long finger, but when applying this, there was an audible palpable pop and the finger dropped and we obviously ruptured the repair." They removed the dressing, reprepped and draped the arm, brought out new instruments, removed the sutures, irrigated the wound, and brought the ends of the tendons together and repaired them with FiberWire. Closed the skin, applied a new dressing, and applied a dorsal splint, extension splint for the finger.

Is it appropriate to use modifier 22 because of the extra time to re-do the repair, even though the reason it was needed was because the repair ruptured while the splint was being applied? Tried searching AAPC forums and the internet for an answer but never found this type of scenario discussed.

Thanks for any help!