Wiki mod 62 denied can I use mod 80?

This depends on the CPT code(s) that you were trying to bill. Not all CPT codes allow the use of modifiers 62 and 80.
It really depends on the note. Was the provider truely acting as an assistant or were two physicians performing two different parts of the same procedure.
even if it was a co-surgeon situation, if the payer does not allow it then I would use 80 instead.
You could not use the 80 if the provider was not acting in the capacity as a co surgeon. Why did the physicians feel this patient need a co surgeon? If there were mitigating circumstances you might be able to appeal. But you cannot just bill as something to get paid if the documentation does not support it.
I think 62 and 80 got mixed up at some point..... 80 is for assistant surgeron, 62 is for co-surgeon. As long as your operative note states that the provider in question was the assistant and describes in some detail where his services were used to assist in the case, then you should not have an issue billing for modifier 80.

Modifier 62 requires two operative notes, one per provider, and requires that each surgeon performs and documents separate parts of the same procedure, as Debra mentioned earlier.