Wiki Mod 25 on 99051?


Rochester Hills, MI
Best answers
I have a question re: Modifier 25. I am billing out a E/M code, a procedure code and a 99051 after hour code. I would put the 25 mod on the E/M code, but would I put the 25 on the 99051?

I have been told to put the 25 on both, but I feel the 99051 is not a E/M code, so why would I put the 25 on it? If anyone knows....please let me know. Thank you...~linda
This probably wont help too much but I do remember having the same question/problem and ended up billing WITHOUT the modifier 25, as the 99051 is considered an adjunct service for the two codes you list. We used 99058 and some of the carriers wanted a modifier 25 on the EM code.....we weren't very successful in getting paid for this code, although a few did, and was about $38.00+ if I remember correctly.