Wiki Mitral Valve Repair - Radical reconstruction?


True Blue
The Woodlands, TX
Best answers
If the physician states:

"That the chordae of the Mitral valve were preserved"

Would that be considered radical reconstruction? I do not believe so but I could be wrong.

Thoughts??? Any key words or indicators of 'reconstruction'

Hi Julie,

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons explained it this way, if the surgeon does nothing but place a ring, then that would be a simple mitral valve repair (33426). If ANY reconstruction is done (ie: partial resection of P1 or P2, plication of the annulus and/or reapproximation of the valve leaflets), then you would bill 33427.

I can't tell from what you wrote below if this was simple or complex. I would need to see more of the note if you still need help.


Lisi, CPC
Thank you so much, Lisi! You're so very helpful. Is there a way to find information on STS without paying or must you have a membership?

Anyway, thank you!
The info I have from the STS, I received at their annual coding workshop. If you code alot of CT surgery, I highly suggest attending one of these workshops. I always get alot out of them. Its always in October. This year's workshop is going to be in Chicago.

As for info on their website, as of late, its been hard to find much because they were working on re-formating it. You can see copies of coding newsletters on the website without paying. Look under "Resources and Publications" for the newsletters. It hasn't been updated in awhile but they said in October that they planned to update it soon.

I'm pretty sure i have slides from their workshop in 2009. Shoot me an email if you want me to forward them to you, it will give you an idea of what the workshop is like.

Lisi, CPC