Wiki Mismatched Coding Question


Portland, OR
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I am doing booklet quizzes in my 2024 Medical Coding Training: CPC Textbook (via VitalSource) and came across a potential inconsistency between it's coding instructions and the ICD-10-CM 2024. I would like to make sure I'm reading and coding correctly, so if anyone has time to reply and let me know if I'm doing something wrong I would be very thankful!

In the 2024 Medical Coding Training: CPC Textbook, Ch. 4, Section 4.3 Review quiz, question 2 rational states: "...Then look in the Alphabetic Index for Anemia/in (due to) (with)/neoplastic disease D63.0. Verify codes in the Tabular List."
In the ICD-10-CM 2024 Alphabetic Index for Anemia/due to (in) (with)/______. The indentation order does not include neoplastic disease, instead it only lists; Necator americanus (code) then prematurity (code) with no "neoplastic disease" in between. The way I found the code was in the I.C.2.c.1 guideline, listing D63.0 as, "(...Anemia in neoplastic disease)."

This is fine as I was able to correctly code the practice prompt in the end but it does worry me that the Alphabetic Index doesn't seem to list some things as it's said to in the 2024 Training Manual. I would hate to be coding something during a test and not be able to find it in the Index because it's hidden somewhere in the Guidelines instead.
I am doing booklet quizzes in my 2024 Medical Coding Training: CPC Textbook (via VitalSource) and came across a potential inconsistency between it's coding instructions and the ICD-10-CM 2024. I would like to make sure I'm reading and coding correctly, so if anyone has time to reply and let me know if I'm doing something wrong I would be very thankful!

In the 2024 Medical Coding Training: CPC Textbook, Ch. 4, Section 4.3 Review quiz, question 2 rational states: "...Then look in the Alphabetic Index for Anemia/in (due to) (with)/neoplastic disease D63.0. Verify codes in the Tabular List."
In the ICD-10-CM 2024 Alphabetic Index for Anemia/due to (in) (with)/______. The indentation order does not include neoplastic disease, instead it only lists; Necator americanus (code) then prematurity (code) with no "neoplastic disease" in between. The way I found the code was in the I.C.2.c.1 guideline, listing D63.0 as, "(...Anemia in neoplastic disease)."

This is fine as I was able to correctly code the practice prompt in the end but it does worry me that the Alphabetic Index doesn't seem to list some things as it's said to in the 2024 Training Manual. I would hate to be coding something during a test and not be able to find it in the Index because it's hidden somewhere in the Guidelines instead.

Your textbook is telling you to look under Anemia > In (due to) with). That is correct - Neoplastic disease is listed under the word "In" under Anemia.

You looked up Anemia > Due To (in) (with). That's a different part of the alphabetic index.

Look under I for In, not D for Due To.