Wiki Minnie29


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Operation 1. Placement of right common femoral venous sheath. 2. Inferior venacavogram and 3. Placement of Cook Select inferior vena cava filter in the inferior vena cava with MAC anesthesia

Could anyone help me with the correct coding for these procedures? The body of the op note is as follows:
The right groin was anesthetized with 2 mL of 1% Lidocaine local and a stab incision was made overlying the right common femoral vein. The right common femoral vein was accessed utilizing modified Seldinger technique and the supplied 8 1/2 French working sheath was placed without difficulty into the right common femoral vein near the confluence of the iliac veins. An inferior venacavogram was performed to identify the location of the renal veins and a position was chosen for placement of the inferior vena cava filter. At this juncture the sheath was advanced under fluoroscopy to the infrarenal IVC and the filter loaded into the sheath. Once position was appropriate the sheath was withdrawn and the filter was released. At this point, inferior venacavogram showed adequate apposition fo the filter in the inferior vena cava walls with good position confirmed. Following confirmation, the sheath was removed and manual pressure maintained......

Thanks Michelle your response was appreciated and was very helpful. We have a new physician and sometimes the new procedures can be confusing. Once I reviewed your suggestions, for the coding, the solution looked so obvious. Thank you again for your time!