Wiki Mild scoliosis


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
If a physician diagnosis scoliosis during a well child and then prescribes a scoliosis series, can you code a CPT 99211 with modifier 25 in addition to the well visit or is it considered part of the well visit.

Thank You
I wouldn't code it in addition to the preventive unless it met the criteria for at least a 99212. A 99211 is usually a nurse visit and those aren't billed in addition to another E/M because those services are considered included. So it would depend on what was documented.
Interesting, what held me back the most from coding an additional E/M to the Preventive visit is that, isn't screening for scoliosis part of the well child. So wouldn't this be part of the well child even if the physician documents enough for a additional E/M.

thank you.
Yes, I definitely agree with you that it's part of the preventive and it sounds like just the preventive would be coded here. I think I was reading more into it than was necessary. Sorry to not actually address the question. :eek: