Wiki microlaryngoscopy and vocal cord injection laryngoplasty with Prolaryn gel


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Procedure is done with general anesthesia and for vocal cord paralysis.
Which CPT codes would fit?
31573? OR
I came up with 31571 and I suspect 31535 is included.
I have no access to Supercoder so is there another website where I can scrub to see which CPT codes cannot be billed together?
thank you very, very much
Code 31571 is with a direct laryngoscopy and 31573 is with a flexible laryngoscopy. If done in the OR, it is most likely done with the direct laryngoscopy. There does not appear to be any edits between 31571 and 31535 if a biopsy was also performed.
Procedure is done with general anesthesia and for vocal cord paralysis.
Which CPT codes would fit?
31573? OR
I came up with 31571 and I suspect 31535 is included.
I have no access to Supercoder so is there another website where I can scrub to see which CPT codes cannot be billed together?
thank you very, very much Here is a link to the CMS NCCI edits. This is free and I use this when checking the NCCI edits for cpt codes.