Wiki MFM understanding


Fayetteville, NC
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Hello, I have two Maternal Fetal Medicine providers that do not want to take vitals on their patients. My concern is that MFM seems to me to be a High Risk OB provider and if a patient is referred to them then vitals should be important. My providers say that they function more as consultants or like a radiology clinic, and that they should not have to do vitals. I don't agree at all but I need more guidance on this if anyone can help. They also say that other MFM providers don't do vitals in their practice.

Thank you signed,:confused:and

I guess it can be either way. Some MFM might only do consulting with ultrasound and recommendation but I know other MFMs who actually take over the care of high risk pregnancies. So if your MFM docs do NOT take over the patient's care but only make a recommendation then I would think vitals are not necessary since that was done by her primary OB but if the primary OB has sent the patient to the MFM for continuing care and monitoring then perhaps vitals should be in order.

My interpretation,but you might contact those other MFM providers offices to see what is their SOP in these cases and adjust accordingly. I would try and refrain from telling the docs how to practice medicine. Not being flippant here, I've been in your shoes myself. Make your recommendation, document that you made it and let it go. Good luck.

Thank you Bready,

I have not told them how to practice medicine this was just what I felt at the time. I guess coders have to be aware of the gray area when it comes to our view, the doctors view and the references we have.