Wiki Metabolic Acidosis Unspecified ICD-10


Houston, TX
Best answers
  • Code E87.2 acidosis has been deleted
  • E87.20 is a new code for acidosis, unspecified but still includes lactic acidosis NOS and metabolic acidosis NOS
  • E87.21 is a new code for ACUTE metabolic acidosis that includes acute lactic acidosis
  • E87.22 is a new code for CHRONIC metabolic acidosis that includes lactic acidosis with a code first note for the underlying etiology, if applicable
  • E87.29 is a new code for other acidosis that includes respiratory acidosis NOS
We cannot bill E87.20 by it self anymore?
Do we have to be specific and use chronic or acute?
I am not sure, this is a question that is circling among our coders and some feel we can use E87.29 but I'm not comfortable with that because of the RA. Anyone out there can clarify this please.
Per the alphabetic index, metabolic acidosis not specified as either chronic or acute would be coded with E87.20. Not sure why there's confusion on this point?