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Hi I am looking for someone who is experienced in podiatry surgery procedure who is willing to help out a beginner. I have coded many types of specialties but podiatry is really stumping me. I am having trouble with pulling the procedures. I am thinking that I am missing key words to accurately code the correct procedures.

I am having trouble with bunions. I am not sure what key words I should be looking for to determine the correct code. Do you have any types of cheat sheets that could help? I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

There are usually two procedures being done for bunions

For the most part bunions are repaired with two osteotomies: Chevron, Aiken, Austin and so forth. If the are two osteotomies then 28299 is your code which you will use 80% of the time.

For choosing other codes, see where the osteotomy is performed which will let you know the code.