Wiki Mentor Needed


Buckeye, AZ
Best answers
Hi All,
I currently work for an internal medicine practice in Glendale, AZ. This is my first CPC position & although I am doing ok, I do find myself running into road blocks & finding trouble finding answers for certain questions from time to time. I realize that this is what the forum is for, but it has not posed to be very helpful, because I either do not get any responses or I can't get them fast enough.

I am looking for a service or a site where I can go to as needed for mentoring during my process with the Internal medicine practice & the specialist I am also responsible for which is Podiatry, Dermatology & Neurology & get a 24-48 hour response.

My ideal situation would be to have 1 person I could develop a mentoring relationship with that I can call or email my questions to, but a website or membership that supports CPC's with their daily scenario's is also good.

Thank you in advance to all of you who respond.

Dawnel Skinner
I hope someone chimes in with the kind of experience that you need. Unfortunately I have also found the forums less than helpful. Personally, I find the only way to get the answer you need is to do the research yourself. That can take a long time but it's the only way to support any coding decisions you make instead of depending on someone else's research. Day-to-day coding practices should be pretty easy to research but more difficult projects will take much longer.

I would recommend attending webinars as often as possible, buying as many books as your company will let you, and getting very familiar with Noridian's website. By the way, Noridian sucks and is probably the most difficult MAC to work with.